
"Gosto de dizer. Direi melhor: gosto de palavrar. As palavras são para mim corpos tocáveis, sereias visíveis, sensualidades incorporadas..."

“I enjoy speaking. Or rather I enjoy wording. Words for me are tangible bodies, visible sirens, incarnate sensualities (…)” 

 Bernardo Soares (heteronym of Fernando Pessoa), “Livro do Desassossego"


This excerpt, extracted from the poetic essays of Livro de Desassossego by Bernardo Soares (heteronym of Fernando Pessoa), takes us to the immensity and grandiose landscape of the Douro region, where the austere terrain together with the will of a people make any barrier seem small and transform the impossible into poetry in the form of wine.

In vineyards located in the Cima Corgo sub-region, in Ervedosa do Douro, the PALAVRAR wine project takes the form of two distinct wines. Counting already with numerous vintages, both have as predominant grapes the traditional varieties of the region, where Touriga Franca, Tinta Barroca, Touriga Nacional, and Tinta Roriz transcend. Vinified in a traditional "lagar", these wines are distinguished simply by their vineyards, one is from vineyards with an average age of 25 years, and the other one is from old vines of over 65 years of age, resulting in much higher complexity